Welcome to Mannheim

and welcome to the Internet pages of ADFC Mannheim !

The ADFC is the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (General German Cyclists Club), a member organisation of European Cyclist Federation ECF. (It has similar aims to the British Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC) and the League of American Bicyclists.) These pages are a service provided by the ADFC section Mannheim. The information in this Internet presence represents the state of affairs at the time of writing and is maybe out of date today. Although the club has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this internet site, it cannot guarantee its correctness or assume any liability arising from its use.

This summary page cannot display translations of all the internet pages maintained by the ADFC Mannheim section. 

In case you have a question regarding cycling in the Mannheim area which is not answered here, please do not hesitate to send an eMail to mannheim"bei"adfc-bw.de (replace "bei" with @). You also may find the answer to your question about cycling in Germany checking the homepage of Bergstrasse Bike Books, maintained by the Forsyths, living in the neighbour town Viernheim.    

Please be aware, we are a nonprofit, no budget volunteer group working in our free time and cannot guarantee an immediate response. Therefore, do yourself and us a favour and ask in a timely manner.

If you wish to join us either on our day tours or other activities, membership of the club is not limited to German citizens in spite of its name. However you do not have to be a member to join our day tours though you will be asked as a non-member to make a small financial contribution. Contact us by eMail for details of our tours.

Online dictionaries or translation apps may help you to pick out some of the detail in the rest of the website (http://dict.leo.org/, http://babelfish.yahoo.com/), although some sections are in English and German. See below.

Interested in bicycle history? Placed on a separate internet-page, there is a short biography available already in more than 20 languages presenting Karl Drais, who invented back in 1817 in Mannheim the first two wheeled human powered vehicle. Any additional translation (provided free of charge) is highly welcome!   

Enjoy your stay in Mannheim!

Cyclist Maps

We do present some cyclist maps of the Metropolregion Rhine/Neckar in German language.

In more detail, we provide an English presentation of the citizen map of Mannheim "Bürgerstadtplan" bearing many information about local cycling, published in fourth edition in spring 2013.

Bicycle in local public transport

(Status: January, 1th. 2015, without liability)

First of all: this service is available only, if there is enough space to place the bicycle(s) in the vehicle. In rush-hours or over-crowded Sunday afternoon trains the railway officers may refuse you to embark. In any case: disabled persons and children-push-cars have priority. 

Carry on your bicycle in the local trains of German Rail (Deutsche Bahn = DB) IRE, RB- und S-trains, eurobahn und all trains operated by SWEG: 
free-of-charge for the bicycle: Monday - Friday after 9.00 a.m. and all day Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday  

Fare of a childrens ticket for the adequate distance: Monday - Friday before 9.00 a.m.

Do not confuse them with long-distance trains (ICE and IC), even if the next stop is Heidelberg. If in doubt, ask at the station!

Tramway and City busses of muncipal carrier RNV (= MVG, OEG, RHB, VBL, HSB):
Free for charge: Monday-Friday after 9 a.m. and all day Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday.  This service we recommend to use only in case of broken bicycles, as the available space is very limited.
No bicycle transport permitted in Tramway and City busses on Monday - Friday between 6 and 9 a.m.!

Sorry, not all overland coaches take bicycles on board. In case of a broken bike, the driver may consider it voluntary.  

Off-line Table with conditions of Use in German language 

http://www.vrn.de/fahrausweise/mitnahmeregelungen/Bicycle transport in VRN on-line (German language)

VRN Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar 
B1, 3-5 
68159 Mannheim 
Tel. (0621) 10770-0 
Fax (0621) 10770-70 
VRN Fahrplanauskunft: 
Tel. 01805 8764636 oder (0621) 10770-77 

Changing trains in Mannheim Central Station

Click here if you wish to investigate how transfer bicycles between platforms in Mannheim Central railway station and how to leave your bike safely while you look at one of Mozart's favourite cities in a guarded bicycle park and workshop.

Mannheim Central Station does provide many services - click here for details.

River Rhine/ River Neckar: Scheduled Ferries

Mannheim is on both the River Rhine and River Neckar. It does offer some short boat trips, at least crossing rivers by boat in addition to the bridges. Boats are not on duty 24/7, and we therefore provided some information about schedules and fares of local ferries.  

No need to say, we could not take any responsibility all information being provided to be free of typos and even up-to-date. Especially we could not report about unforeseeable events such as engine break-down or other cancellation of services. 

This example should help you to read the German pages:

Rheinfähre Altrip - Mannheim/Neckarau
River Rhine Ferry Altrip - Mannheim subort Neckarau 

Fahrplantafel 89, gültig bis Dezember 2011
information derived from timetable 89, valid until December 2011
Frequenz: alle 15 min., täglich
Service: every 15 minutes, daily 
Bei Bedarf werden die Überfahrten häufiger durchgeführt.
If required, extra services are provided 
Fähranlegestelle: Tel.(06236) 398089,  Verwaltung: Tel: (06236) 3999-30,
Phone at landing, phone at administration
Fax: (06236) 3999-49 (Gemeindeverwaltung Altrip) oder Rheinfähre Altrip GmbH

Mehr Informationen zu dieser Fähre:
more information (in German language) to this ferry 
VRN Hin & Weg Nr. 6/Juli 2003 
Pegel Mannheim

Montag - Samstag:
Monday - Saturday
Abfahrt/Departure: Altrip:                         5.30 - 22.20 
Abfahrt/Departure: Mannheim-Neckarau: 5.45 - 22.30

Sonntag, Feiertag:
Sunday, bank holiday
Abfahrt/Departure: Altrip:                         8.00 - 22.20 
Abfahrt/Departure: Mannheim-Neckarau: 8.15 - 22.30

Fährpreise (Stand 2011):

Erwachsener/adult: EUR 0,50; mit Rad/with a bicycle: EUR 1,00
Kind /child (6 -15 Jahre): EUR 0,20; mit Rad: EUR 0,50
Pkw incl. Fahrer / car including driver: EUR 3,50; 

© ADFC BW 2025

New public transport in Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen

Since March 28th., 2015 a new option of public transport is available in Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Speyer (more communities to join later): rental bikes in self-service, the VRN-Fahrradvermietsystem, operated by NextBike.

VRN = Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar GmbH (local travel association Rhine-Neckar Ltd.)