Cyclist Map: Bürgerstadtplan Mannheim (3. Auflage, 2009)

ADFC Mannheim information

 Whats uniquie about this map ?

The "Mannheimer Bürgerstadtplan" (in German language) is a fully functional map of the town bearing a register of streets in a scale of 1:18.000 based on the official map town administration, being produced by  "DER PLAN",  Mannheim (3. edition, status of April 2009). The inner part of town is addionally displayed in a detailed map.

The folded map is folded bears information about the entired cyclist traffic net  (cycle lanes, one way street with permitted two-way traffic for cyclist, cycle routes using non-nain-roads, biek-park facilities at Coach and Trams stops, bicycle repair shops), the public transport network (in a scheme and in the map) and the CarSharing stations of "Stadtmobil".

Furthermore, there is information about sustainable leisure places and green shopping presentated in the map and in part in the register.

Very important, there are indications on barrierefree movement, be it stairs, public transport stops or public buildings.

The citizens map of Mannheim (=Bürgerstadtplan) is a map made by people for the people. It had been investigated as a local Agenda 21-Project by non-profits NGOs of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Barrierefreiheit, ADFC, BUND, Deutscher Alpenverein, Die Naturfreunde, NABU, Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, Fördergemeinschaft Regionaler Streuobstanbau, Ökostadt Rhein-Neckar and VCD and had been professional produced by "DER PLAN", Mannheim.

In a word, you will never find more information about Mannheim being printed on single sheet ... 

Where to buy ?

The price of the map is € 4.90, it is available

- in these Mannheim Bookshops: 

* Bahnhofsbuchhandlung, in Central Railway Station
* Böttger, Sennteichplatz 2, Neckarau
* Buchhandlung Neckarstadt, Kobellstraße 17, Neckarstadt
* Bücher Bender, O4, 2, Innenstadt 
* Quadratebuchhandlung, R1, 7, Innenstadt 
* Schwarz auf Weiss, Friedrichstraße 11a, Neckarau
* Seckenheimer Bücherladen, Badenweiler Straße 33, Seckenheim
* Thalia, C1, 6-7 und P7, 22, Innenstadt sowie John-Deere-Straße 81, Lindenhof

- in these Mannheim Cycle Shops: 

* Biotopia Fahrradstation, at Central Railway Station 
* Biria-Bike-Center, Gontardplatz 3, Lindenhof
* der radladen, Lenaustraße 5, Neckarstadt
* Fahrrad G. Ziegler, Speckweg 133, Waldhof
* Fahrrad Penn, Waldhofstraße 20, Neckarstadt
* Fahrrad-Shop Stiepani, Seckenheimer Hauptstraße 104, Seckenheim
* Mike's Bike, Ziethenstraße 32, Feudenheim
* Pfaffenhuber & Fahrradklinik, Speckweg 179, Waldhof  
* Radsporthaus Altig, Lenaustraße 14, Neckarstadt
* Radsport Schmidt, Luisenstraße 37, Neckarau  
* Rund Ums Rad, Mosbacher Straße 21, Wallstadt  
* Stadler Mannheim GmbH, Casterfeldstraße 40, Neckarau
* Velogarage, Meerfeldstraße 51, Lindenhof
* Velotec, Seckenheimer Straße 47, Schwetzingerstadt
* Zweiradecke Penn, Seckenheimer Straße 24, Schwetzingerstadt  
* Zweiradtechnik Schreiber, Käfertaler Straße 220a-222, Wohlgelegen 

* Tourist-Information at Central Railway Station

* Umweltzentrum, Käfertaler Straße 162, Wohlgelegen  

* Cafe Cafga, B 2, 11, Innenstadt 

* Robin Crusoe, Verbindungskanal Linkes Ufer, Jungbusch

* Weltladen, S 2, 2, Innenstadt 

* Infothek Studentenwerk, Bismarckstraße 10 (Mensa am Schloss) 

* at events of ADFC Mannheim

In case you would need the map in advance we are prepared to send it per unregistred letter mail, if prepaying by sending German Mail stamps to the addess given below or by transfering money to an account, which we will let you know after receiving your eMail at our ADFC Mannheim mail box. Assume a turn-over of a week - if we are in ! 

Price for long-distance selling: € 6.50 incl. shipment within Germany (€ 8.00 incl. shipment within Europe, € 11.00 incl. shipment worldwide.  If mailing by registered letter is requested, additionally € 2.05 are required).

  ADFC Mannheim
  Postfach 100 103
  68001 Mannheim

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© ADFC BW 2024

New public transport in Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen

Since March 28th., 2015 a new option of public transport is available in Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Speyer (more communities to join later): rental bikes in self-service, the VRN-Fahrradvermietsystem, operated by NextBike.

VRN = Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar GmbH (local travel association Rhine-Neckar Ltd.)